Significant changes are planned in the Tax Code from 2021, change Refers to value added tax. In particular:
· The process of VAT administration will be significantly simplified;
· Defined terms whose correct interpretation is essential for VAT taxation;
· Expanding the list of services, the provision of which will not be taxed outside Georgia;
· Temporary importation of goods is no longer considered a taxable transaction
· In addition to educational and medical services, the supply of directly related and ancillary services or goods is exempt from taxation;
· Medical, educational and separate social activities will not be taxed by the organization in order to raise funds;
· Will not be taxed on the delivery of a sample of goods or a gift of small value;
· Simplify regulations related to VAT on the free transfer of goods;
· A natural person paying VAT will no longer be restricted from registering with the cash method;
These changes will significantly simplify the fulfillment of tax obligations, improve the investment environment and the process of establishing Georgia as a center of international services